We will tell you how to claim product and service claims and get to know your rights.
Place of claim, refund, purchase over the Internet, non-recognition of complaint, claim period, conditions for complaint settlement, defects in the sales contract, withdrawal from the contract.
Approximate price of legal services.
The price of the legal service is governed by a decree of the Ministry of Justice no. 177/1996 Coll., on the remuneration of lawyers and attorneys' compensation for the provision of legal services, as amended, and the amendments (advocacy tariff), as amended.
Hourly reward
There is an agreed rate of time for each commenced hour of legal action. The amount depends on the complexity of the case, namely 1.500 - 3.000, - CZK. When using a foreign language, the rate will increase accordingly.
Flat fee
Remuneration agreed for a complete period of time (month, year) if the expected amount and timing of the legal services provided are known.
Target reward
Remuneration for handling the entire legal service provided and taking into account the increased level of lawyer's involvement.
Non-contractual reward
It is fixed by the lawyer's tariff. The non-contractual reward can be increased up to three times or reduced by up to half under the conditions set by the lawyer's fare.
Property Management Fee
Property management includes 10% annual income from the property managed, at least CZK 1,000.
In addition to the right to remuneration, the attorney is also entitled to reimbursement of the reimbursement of the reimbursed expenses and to the reimbursement of the missed time under the conditions and in the amount specified in Decree No. 177/1996 Coll.